Saturday, February 20, 2010

Key Phrases David Used to Express Hunger and Thirst for the Lord

    1. Psalm 143:8  "I lift up my soul unto thee." The soul involves the mind, will, and emotions. David, through his spirit, presented his soul to his heavenly Father so that it could be filled.

    2. Psalm 61:2 "I cry unto thee..." David described his cry as that of a h hungry bird crying out to be fed. It was usually audible and always intense.

    3. Psalm 42:4  "I pour out my soul in me..." This statement signifies that David held nothing back from the Lord, his most cherished and loyal Confidant.

    4. Psalm 25:15 "Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD..." Because David knew that only God could fulfill his expectations and bring the help that he desperately needed, he watched continually for God's response.

    5. Psalm 42:1 "So panteth my soul after Thee..." This expression pictures David's inner desire for God in terms of the extreme thirst of a deer after a time of fleeing from danger.

    6. Psalm 119:10 "With my whole heart have I sought Thee..." David knew that secret sins or hidden motives would destroy fellowship with the Lord; thus, he willingly opened his heart to God - the deepest part of his inner being.

    7. Psalm 84:2 "My flesh crieth out for the living God." Not only did David seek God with his heart, his physical being also yearned for God's fellowship, without which he would languish.

    8. Psalm 63:8 "My soul followeth hard after Thee..." David pictures himself pursuing God as a young animal running after its mother, the source of it sustenance and protection.

    9. Psalm 27:8 "Thy face, Lord, will I seek..." David longed for the approval and blessing that attend those upon whom God looks with favor.

    10. Psalm 17:15 "I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness" David's one desire was to be like the Lord. Only in reaching this goal would he find fulfillment.
      (Painting "King David" by Arent de Gelder 1685)

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